Seminar 8

Oct. 18 (Fri.) 13:00 – 13:45

Trends in the International Meetings Market and the Potential of Osaka/Kansai

  • Makiko Yamamoto
    Honorary Japan Chapter Chair, MPI Japan Chapter
    Finesse Hospitality Management Co., Ltd
  • Ryoko Hirama
    Promotion Unit, Area Management Dept.
    Executive Producer
    JTB Communication Design, Inc.
  • Atsushi Okamura
    President, MPI Japan Chapter
    Social System Consulting Department
    General Manager
    Nomura Research Institute,Ltd.

Seminar Content

The international Meetings market is expected to have an extremely large economic impact. Why do organizers pay high costs to hold Meetings? What are the requirements for meeting venues and related businesses? This report will provide an understanding of the actual situation through market trends, including the organizers’ needs, and the latest cases of meetings, as well as the potential and issues facing Osaka and the Kansai region in the upcoming Expo and the opening of the IR.